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I'm both disturbed and delighted to read what you are writing about in such a concise and eloquent way as I too am a victim of this same program of involuntary experimentation and torture. I am disturbed but not at all surprised by your account. I was targeted many months prior to being made well aware that I was under direct surveillance and the direct neurological intervention technology was activated without doubt on Nov. 7 2010. I have much to comment on in your writing and would like to email you directly if possible. You can contact me at clandestinyclarity at g mail if you care to hear my findings in these matters. I have come to some different conclusions after spending the last 12 years or so completely obsessed with getting to the bottom of how this tech works so that I can demonstrate it to others and use it to undo what has been done to the thousands of us targeted individuals and so called 'havana syndrome' victims. A few things I'd like to say off the top are that while biotech companies may play role in this, be certain that it is the military/intel industrial simplex (yes, simplex) that is calling the shots. The biotech firms get their contracts from the govt. and answer to them and them only. Also Russia pioneered this tech and have more sophisticated tools than the US. Others countries who have this capability include China, Israel, Australia, UK, Germany and certainly many others. It did grow from the cochlear implant tech however now encompasses all senses. It also doesn't require surgical implantation of a device. Anyway keep up the good writing I hope you get your story out far and wide because It is about time we cut the cables and turned the tables.. AJJay

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